The Simplicity of Fidelity
We believe that it is only through this vision, combined with action, that success will be achieved for our company and for our stockholders.
G.C.I is founded on the following values and objectives:
INTEGRITY: Consistent and sound moral principles, where words and actions are the same thing.
COMMUNICATION: Building trust and coordinated teamwork, both within the company and with our stockholders, through continuous, open communication.
ALL-OUT COMMITMENT: Dedication to the goal of excellence in service and complete customer satisfaction.
FINANCIAL INTEGRITY: Earnings to support long term growth and financial management that is responsive to the company’s suppliers and customers.
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: Creating an environment in which each individual can realize his full potential.
‘Sunville’ Paper Mill Lane,
Opp. Greens Restaurant,
Lamington Road, Mumbai - 400 004.
Tel : +91 22 2388 2535 / 7311
Fax : +91 22 2382 2535